Product Review

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    My review of "Dimples" by WOOSUNG (Favourite Scene)

    Oh my, where to begin!It took me a while to decide on a favourite scene, but ten replays later and I finally have an answer! My favourite scene just HAS to be the underwater scene during the bridge of the song!Not only is it absolutely stunning (the reflection of the light on the air bubbles, the way the light brightens up Woosung's hair, and the slight RGB offset are just a few of the reasons) but it's also a perfect visual representation of the song! A song about infatuation that you know isn't healthy (lyrics such as "loving you's not the best for me" and "I'm approaching your lips just to fall into your trap" etc) paired with an underwater scene is just a perfect mix, in my opinion.Woosung shows no will to get out of the water, although he's clearly in a dangerous situation. This perfectly represents the lyrics of the song where he expresses love towards someone despite knowing that it's not an ideal relationship. Even though Woosung is clearly in danger of drowning, he doesn't mind the situation.The woman in the music video, clearly representing the person the song is aimed towards, has a very "mermaid-like" appearance (gemstone and pearls, wavy hair with a damp, salt-water appearance) and so once again, an underwater scene works perfectly. If the water represents the woman, then Woosung is "drowning" in her. Another point is that the mermaid aesthetic could actually be representing a siren instead. Sirens are known to lure sailors to their deaths with their beautiful voices and in this song, the woman lures Woosung into his "death" with her dimples.Overall, my favourite scene in the music video is the underwater section which can be seen during the bridge of the song and moving into the final chorus. As I explained above, it's not only a visually stunning scene but it's also something which perfectly represents the lyrics of the song and has multiple interpretations and potential hidden meanings which help to add depth to an already beautiful music video.






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    Woosung Dimples review

    During Dimples the scene that was most impressive and captivating to me was actually near the end when he was in the car underwater and falls asleep and the girl “drives” them away. It is like she is a siren that he was drawn to by her song and he kept trying to find her because he was so drawn to her. It was like she was luring him and in the end it is like she finally caught him and is taking him away from the real world. I loved this music video he seemed like he was having so much fun. 






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    Review on Dimple MV

    The music video was very refreshing and cool with the concept and colors all very enticing. 






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    WOOSUNG Dimples Review!!

    I just realized why I love this MV so much!  It reminds me of my favorite scene from one of my favorite childhood movies, Labyrinth.  There's a scene where Sarah is at a ball and she's trying to find the goblin king amongst the crowd.  It's similar to how Woosung is captivated by the girl with dimples and only has eyes for her.  Even the white, jeweled aesthetic between the girl with dimples and Sarah matches!  Then, at 2:29 when Woosung falls into the water, it's just like the shot where Sarah is falling after shattering the illusion of the magical ball.  From then on, the aesthetic of the MV and the girl with dimples feel sinister, just as it is in Labyrinth.  Both Sarah and Woosung are trapped by their love for these people who seem more than human.  On top of all this, Labyrinth is an 80s movie, with a soundtrack from David Bowie, who also stars as the goblin king.  Dimples is heavily inspired by 80s music too!Anyways, it likely wasn't done intentionally, but the parallels were so obvious to me!  Here's the scene from Labyrinth that I was talking about, ya Sammy 💛💛






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    Dimple Review

    Honestly, the most impressive sense for me is from 0:40- 1:05. I feel like the fish itself was symbolic and the lyrics from this portion were really strong. Contrasting to the other lyrics (1:35-1:51) it shows a different side. From the first portion, it is mainly saying how "you" bring the best out of "me" and how it makes you "typical"/normal but in the second portion it is saying how "your" lips is a trap. I took it as whatever is coming out of the mouth is just lies (?). Also, I feel like the word "dimple" is a wordplay as it is a hole one can fall into (like sucked in) aka mesmerizing. He can also represent the fish as it is void in the water. No matter where you swim (assuming it is in the ocean), you cannot find a way out (maybe referring to the dimple). It's really impressive and I really like it through the whole mv/song was amazing.






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    review of my favorite scene from MV "Dimples"

    This song has blown my mind. The way how metaphoric the visual effects had been used is amazing. After listening the song it was hard to choose only one scene to review. After a long conversation with my friends I conclude the first scene in the tunnel. For explanation this are all my thoughts how I would interpet the scene.Everyone who falled in love or having a crush can relate how it hits. This chaos of emotions has been shown as a car accident. The road in the tunnel symbolize the love. Love has always two direction. Loving someone or getting loved. The way how Woosung is walking down the street is so relateable. Loving one is always a hard way without knowing the view from the other. I love Woosung so much <3






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    Quite at the beginning after he woke up on the street.. he tries to walk but his feet seem to be stuck on the street with this silver footprints. And when he his looking down he suddenly falls into a colorful world. This change is the one which stuck in my head at first. I really like the change from alone in the dark and suddenly surrounded by all the people and having fun. It's me from coming from work on a Friday and then coming home and suddenly I feel much more better and can enjoy my life/my weekend. And the sound is perfect for a carefree weekend <3






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    my take on Dimples MV!

    i think the mv is simply about the process of he's drowning and drunken with love (and her dimples), the fish bowl might be the metaphor where he's trapped w love, and the scene where she became the taxi driver denotes on how she drives him to drown further. my fav part of the song is the musical arrangement! the beats portray elegance and magical elements along the meaning of the entire music video.p/s although this is not Woosung's first solo, i really love how we all can enjoy his own aesthetic & music preference for his own songs without being related to The Rose's. thank you MARHEN.J for matching the products with Woosung's style & the song's concept! 






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    Woosung's DIMPLES MV Review - My favorite scene

    Wish me luck 🙏🏼My favorite scene on DIMPLES MV :1. When scene Woosung crash and lying in the middle of the road, i think it's about when someone realize that he trapped by his love for the girl. 2. When Woosung swam. I know, this scene must be really difficult. But he did his best and I'm touched. 3. When Woosung dance :D i really like when he dance it makes me excited and the DIMPLES single is made my day ♡♡♡♡We Rose YouThank you ♡






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    what i feel is dimples is about reminiscing about your love live, the ups and downs of it, and what we learn from the ebbs of a relationship. the thing that hit you in the beginning, i decipher it as nostalgia, and you're being swayed away by it. I feel there is two perspectives to this: where you are in your mind is to a place where all your memories is associated with your loved one, how it is "driving " you to a place which is ruminative, a place you don't want to come out of. Now you mention a line where you say " I'm stuck inside you, let me out girl" this could signify ascendency of your loved one towards you which is drowning you, emotionally (?) is what i believe. My favorite part is the last scene where she is Driving you, she is the one who came and took control over you and all the paths are blocked for you in the sense you're looking for an escape. Dimples are her charming point, i guess, so that is one factor that instantly draws closer to you. You are drowning, or lets say a part of HER ocean.My favorite part is when Woosung gets lost, or rather, trapped in the nostalgia of his past with the girl. It was beautifully transitioned, and displayed a strong sense of emotion.Nonetheless, the song is very well written and catchy! much love to woosung! <3 






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    My take on Dimples MV

    My take in Dimples MVWe know that smiling are contagious, this songs reminds me when you have someone whom you admire and when you see them you can't just help but to admire that someone. Well somewhat I can relate to the song, there is a guy that I really admire and his dimples keeps showing even just he's talking this MV reminds me of him. LoL. In my own opinion People with Dimples are really attractive and somewhat rare kind of beauty. When you admire someone there's really a small chance that you can get it out of your head. The best part for me is when He sang  this part "Loving you got the best of me nowLoving you makes me typical nowLoving you's not the best for me alright" this lyrics gave an impression to me. it's because I truly believe that loving someone can let out the best of you, you can be yourself , you can improve, you can change for the better. But the last part says that "Loving you's not the best for me alright" there's is some instances when you felt at lost when you are loving someone. Being in love is not all about happiness there is sadness and sometimes it ends up getting toxic. The fact that there's this part in the MV where it feels like his world is spinning in my take that's the part where he doesn't know what to do. He's already in the trap and can't get out even he wanted to.  For Him the girl is so captivating that he can't let her out of his head and it's too late for him to realize that he's already trapped and drowning. He wants to be free but he can't because he's really captivated by the girl's beauty that's why even though it hurts or it's almost killing you, you still choose to be with her. 






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    Dimple MV Review

    My favourite and in my opinion most impressive scene was, when Woosung was in the club. It was crowded, loud, chaotic and it seemed to overwhelm him. Especially when everybody in the crowd was looking at him he seemed to get a little nervous.But even in that very moment, the girl mentioned in the song was sticking out from the crowd. He seemed to calm down immediately by looking at her, loosing himself in a trance.The people in the background were presented in a more dark tone. Even though they wore fancy clothes, fancy makeup and had a conspicuous appearance in general, this one girl was shining. Different from the crowd, she was wearing a white dress which implicated some kind of innocence. Furthermore she was wearing a more plain makeup. Those little sparkling stones on her cheek drew more attention to her face but still seemed pretty decent. The tension between Woosung and the girl was immaculate. They were looking at each other and loosing themselves within their looks, having no issues with just focusing on each other. She was intoxicating Woosung with her dimples in a positive way. Even though the whole MV was a masterpiece itself, it was not very difficult for me to choose a favourite scene. It was a crystal clear decision from the very beginning for me! 






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    i loved everything about this MVit takes you back to the 80s in an instant and I really appreciate's hard to pick just one scene, but I think the one that most impressed me was the water scene it looks like it's representing what woosung feels. dimples knows of something of a rebirth from a stylistic point of view, something new to discover both for woosung and for us, and I must say that this discovery has brought an excellent result. I'm really proud of him. when I saw the bag for the first time I thought "wow it's really beautiful who knows if they will really put it on sale" it struck me immediately and I revised the style of woosung a lot. so I can only be proud of him. thank you sammy for creating a beautiful song and marhen.j for giving him the opportunity to express himself through this collection 






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    M/V Review

    I loved the music video, and well as the immaculate styling choices! When I first watched the video it gave me a dream like quality, almost like an alternate reality shift. Woosung seemed to fall into the 'traps' that were the dimples of what seemed to be a beautiful 'goddess-like' woman, and he didnt seem all that upset about being trapped either. My favorite things about the song itself are the multiple ways of describing dimples, without just saying the word dimples repeatedly. Amazing job!






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    Woosung Dimples Review

    The complete MV is just so gorgeous honstely it's hard to choose one scene..; But I will say the first scene is my favorite with the fishtank on the ground which looks empty and the fish appearing on the window of the cab. It's like even without realizing it Woosung is already trapped into her dimples and it's became clear right when he sees it as the car crashed and the first lyric at the same moment is 'when you smile it appears, when you speak it hits me'.And thanks for collaboring with Woosung and letting him express his art through your collection <3






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    Woosung's Dimples and my favorite scene

    I don't even know where to start because the MV overall is so fun to watch. Still, if I have to decide, I just cannot not chose the underwater scenes. They are just so aesthetically pleasing. The colors and mood are suddenly changing, tinting the world in shades of blue which make me realize that there is always more than you see at first glance. All the club scenes are fun and the moments that Sammy spends with the pretty girl are nice to watch too, not to mention how cool he looks with the Bella bag... still, the underwater scenes got my heart. 






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    Dimples Review

    I really loved the MV, it was so artistic and different. I’m so happy to see this new side of Woosung. I’m a big fan of him and the rose. His voice is so beautiful and unique, it’s like honey to my ears. The mv was so pleasing to watch. Dimples is a whole new style and a whole new concept that really works so beautifully for Woosung. The first thing that caught my eyes was the Marhen.J Bella bag. I love how it’s been styled and how Woosung adapted it. My favorite scene of the mv was the water scene and the scene of the girl with the white pear aesthetic.I felt like the mv has a lot of hidden messages and it goes really well with the lyrics, it really tells the story. Everything about Dimples was amazing, the mv, the lyrics, the story, Woosung’s voice, the looks and style... everything was perfect. I love seeing Woosung work on this style of music, it really suits him and I’m so happy to see him experiment with colors, it really suits him. I hope Woosung keeps experimenting with his music and mv and I’m so thankful for Marhen.J for supporting him and giving him a platform for his creative work.






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    Dimples MV review - favorite scene

    Choosing a favorite scene from Woosung's DIMPLES mv is very difficult. In overall the vibe of the mv, the scene, the way the story builds is very pleasing. But if I really had to chose one it'd be the ending scene. The scene where Woosung is asleep in the backseat of the car while the girl is driving. It reminded me so much of a siren having successfully enchanted Woosung - in other words trapped in her dimples. And the way they're underwater adds to the mythical feel of the scene. It left me thinking 'Where is she driving to?' 'Will he wake up?' 'Was everything we saw his delirious dream and he's actually locked in the taxi?' In short, really loved that scene and the song itself! Thank you for this opportunity and for collaborating with Woosung! 






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    Woosung Dimples

    I liked the m/v very much. Everything is very cool, shot at a high level. I was very surprised when I saw the m/v. The locations are very cool. Every moment is imprinted in the memory.The music is very cool. In my brain, it repeats again and again. I love you so much Woosung. I believe you are the best thing to do in the music.❤😘🎼






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    Dimples MV Review - Fav scene

    I love this song!! I love the retro feel to it, but it still feels fresh. My favourite scene of the MV is when Woosung gets into the taxi and sees the silver fish, I interpret it like he's already underwater, already under her spell and he doesn't realize it yet. He describes her dimples like wells, a trap to fall into, and he has fallen into her trap immediately and doesn't realize it until later. She's kind of depicted as a beauty from the sea, using her dimples to enchant him, like a siren singing a song to draw a sailor into the ocean, especially with the scene at the end where she is driving the taxi underwater and Woosung is asleep in the back, completely fallen into her trap. :)






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    "Dimples" mv review! my favorite mv scene must be !!!

    Ok, I would like to say this mv is soooo beautiful. Not only the background settings but also the makeup and dressing of WOOSUNG are so impressive,😭😭😭😭😭 the background is so retro👍🏻... It's really hard for me to pick up just one scene, so I choose three of them.🥺The first two scenes are at the very beginning of the whole mv.  I don't know whether other people have noticed that there is a silver Siamese Fighting Fish in the reflection of the taxi rmStringrmStringwindow.  This scene makes me believe that this fish turned into a beautiful human, which is WOOSUNG who is wearing a silk-like shirt just like the color of the fish. It's so ingenious and fits the lyrics so well, a fish could swim in the dimples of a mermaid!!!And the last one I choose is from the underwater scene. Look at WOOSUNG's hair!!! DOESN'T it just like the fishtail ‼️‼️ it could be just a coincidence, but his hair looks so elegent in the water! and with the frosty voice of WOOSUNG at the moment, it makes me feel that he is fascinated by the beauty of the mermaid princess hahahhahaha👸 OMG wish me good luck! .. I would be so appreciated if I could win the Bella one 🥺🥺🥺🥺 it looks so fancy 😁😁😁






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    'Dimples' MV Review

    Although it was quite hard to choose just one favorite scene from the whole MV, I think one of my favorites is the under water scene. There's something about that scene that feels really peaceful although it represents how trapped he feels for her and how he's slowly "drowning" by the girl's beauty. I think it's really clever how water is used as a symbolism of the unconscious mind, he can't avoid being attracted to her and even though he tries not to he can't help, this is very well portrayed in the MV.The transitions, the aesthetic itself and Woosung's wonderful voice makes it even better. The song is incredibly catchy, being able to watch the story line on the MV made it a great experience. 






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    20210921-0000025 cancel order

    Hi. I want to request cancellation for my order 20210921-0000025 due to using the wrong paypal card for payment. Thank you. Sent 11.20pm 21th Sept 2021, within 24 hours






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    Dear Valued customer,Hello. Thank you for contacting us. We let you know the update with your request via email once again.Thank you and Regards,Support Team [ Original Message ] Hi. I want to request cancellation for my order 20210921-0000025 due to using the wrong paypal card for payment. Thank you. Sent 11.20pm 21th Sept 2021, within 24 hours






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    Quality concern

    Dear Valued customer,Hello. This is the support team of MARHEN.J.If you have any questions or concerns, Please send us the email. Thank you and Regards,Support Team [ Original Message ] ..






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    Shipment date

    It's a week from the order date. May I know the expected delivery time? 






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    This bag is beautiful! Sturdy, sleek, holds everything you need! It comes with a strap AND bottom support!






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    corret address

    my address was right but usps said wrong address can you fixed it and send back






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    Super cute!

    I think the size is perfect, not too big or not too small. I usually carry a lot in my bag, a big wallet, two punches, a small note pad, a mask pouch, and a phone. All fit in this bag and so easy to wear over the shoulder with longer straps. Being able to swap out these leather charms is so fun as well. It will make me happy every time I go out with Bella bag. And you can feel the zipper is high quality, it opens and closes very smoothly.(I tried to attach the pictures but it exceeded the max capacity.)






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